Web Site Links
to the theme Flapping Wings
Robert Korobelnik
presents an interesting spectrum around the technics of flapping wings on his French
web site about Unusual, Flying radio-controlled objects
(ovirc). http://ovirc.free.fr
Robert speaks German and sells ornithopter models to Germany too.
Albert Kempf
has a presentation about successful ornithopters and their theory with his Truefly
and his French Revolution in Aeronautic
. http://truefly.chez.com/
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Rechenberg
The PowerPoint slides for his lectures on bionics Lokomotions-Techniken von
Wassertieren, Flossen-Propulsion und Gleittechnik fliegender Fische
also show the effects of interlocking of thrust and drag (starting on slide 31).
Also interesting are his slides on the topic of Vorbild Vogelflug - Evolution
aerodynamischer Tricks am Vogelflügel
Dr. Wolfgang Send und Felix Scharstein
Thrust measurement for flapping-flight components
Karl-Heinz Helling
Integrated flapping wing
Development and testing of a model with two wings, flapping in push-pull with
lifting/rotation motion.
Nathan Chronister
On this American website you will find a lot of excellent informations about ornithopters
with membrane flapping wings.
Patricia Jones-Bowman
Canadian Ornithopter Researchers page